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MW automation
Calculation of route

Your route to us

Coming from Frankfurt:
A45 towards Oberhausen until AD Dortmund - Witten take A44, depature Witten Annen

Coming from Bochum:
A44 towards Dortmund, depature Witten Annen

Coming from Oberhausen / Hannover:
A2 towards Dortmund, then take the A45, AD Dortmund - Witten taking the A44, depature Witten Annen

Drive towards Witten and take the first street on the left side. Then turn immediately to the right and drive until n. 55.

MW automation GmbH
Salinger Feld 55
D-58454 Witten
Tel.: +49 (0)2302-1782235
© 2024 MW automation GmbH